The Zone is the new name for Castle Douglas Community Centre - Find out more


News from the Zone

New name for the community centre

Castle Douglas Community Centre has a new name. The Zone is a name that better reflects our purpose and brings us into the 21st century.

We have been busy during lockdown and we have improved. We are able to offer even more for business users and more for young people. We now have gaming, learning and video conferencing as well as SMART screens. With dedicated facilities, if you want to do business, make music, play computer games or just hang out, you can!

And, for all our long-standing friends, partners, members and associates, don't worry, we still have the space and facilities to deliver what we have always delivered for you. We aim to cater for all the people of our community.

The Zone is the new name for Castle Douglas Community Centre and was chosen to better reflect the centre’s purpose as well as bring it into the 21st Century. 

The new name and branding coincides with the launch of our this website created by local website developer Great-Value-Websites.Com.

We have been busy during lockdown and are now able to offer even more services and facilities for business users and more for young people too. We now have gaming, learning and video conferencing as well as SMART screens and with all these dedicated facilities, The Zone is the place to do business, make music, play computer games of to hang out!

And for all our long-standing friends, partners, members and associates, don’t worry, we still have space and facilities to deliver what we have always delivered for you.

Some uplifting news

The Board of Trustees for The Zone are delighted to announce that we have secured most of the funding for our new lift which will allow everyone to easily access all floors.

During lockdown, we were successful in applying for match funding from Adapt and Thrive towards our new lift.. Architects have already been engaged and planning is due to start soon. You can help us by making an anonymous donation however big or small here.

We are really excited by this development as ithas always been one of the aims of the Board from day one of our charity acquiring the community centre back in 2019. We will aim, where possible, to minimise disruption duirng construction. Your cooperation will be greatly appeciated when building work finally begins after the planning phase is completed.

New lift at Castle Douglas Community Centre

Linking the past to the future

Linking the past to the future is an exciting project initiated by the Community Centre Trustees.

The four Schools of Cotton Street consisting of the current main building opened in 1910, the Annexe building next door (1873), the former Free Church school (1844) now private property and the Catholic school (also a private residence).

Our aim is to take the history of the four schools as a basis, and education as a theme, to trace changing social history over time, linking in with other interesting and relevant stories along the way. We are aware there are many local people who have memories and material which could be invaluable to us, and hope to contact them over the next few months.

The two trustees running the project are Morag Chisholm and Lindsy Bruce and would welcome any help with information and can be reached through the main contact details for the Zone.  Click here.

The four former schools of Castle Douglas.
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